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  • 我們的工廠視頻



  • 從工廠購買不銹鋼地漏

      從工廠購買不銹鋼地漏日期:2024-07-19     Wholesale stainless steel floor drains from the factory to customers, 有很多好處, 包括以下幾個方面:     廠商直銷, 消除中間商加價, 可以降低客戶的採購成本.     Factory-scale production can ensure product quality and stability, 並為客戶提供更可靠的產品.     The factory provides a variety of styles and specifications of stainless steel floor drains to meet the needs of different customers.     The factory provides after-sales service to ensure that customers can solve problems in

  • 6月28日至30日, 2024 義烏衛浴展

      6月28日至30日, 2024 義烏衛浴展會日期:2024-07-05            Gdxunjia participated in the Yiwu Kitchen and Bathroom Facilities Exhibition from June 28th to 30th. 在博覽會現場, 您可以看到真實的產品和產品的品質.         The gdxunjia factory has prepared various types of stainless steel floor drains, 包括常規款式, 長款, 特殊風格, 隱藏風格, ETC。, 展會現場供客戶參觀. (gxunjia's exhibition samples) Gdxunjia factory's products website:https://www.floordrainmanufacturer.com If you want to learn about these products, you can

  • 義烏衛浴設施展

    義烏衛浴設施展覽會日期:2024-06-24 義烏廚衛設施展進入倒數計時 4 天! 活動日期: 2024年6月28-30日 營業時間: 6月28日-29日8:30—17:00 6月30日8:30—14:00 拆解時間: 2024年6月30日14:00以后 場地: 义乌国际博览中心 (義烏國際博覽中心) Gdxunjia will voluntarily participate in this exhibition on June 28th. 當時, 展出的產品將包括我工廠生產的各種不銹鋼衛浴產品, such as stainless steel floor drains, 不銹鋼通風口, 不銹鋼衣鉤, 和不銹鋼溝蓋板. (廣電迅佳樣品之一) (廣電迅佳樣品之一) (廣電迅佳樣品之一) If

  • 不銹鋼地漏的選擇

    不銹鋼地漏的選用日期:2024-06-16         Stainless steel floor drains are an important part of bathroom and kitchen fittings, 用於快速排水並防止積水. 以下是不銹鋼地漏的詳細介紹.         Stainless steel floor drain material Stainless steel floor drains are mostly made of 304 不銹鋼或 201 不銹鋼. 這兩種材料具有良好的耐腐蝕性能,在潮濕環境下可以防止生鏽、腐蝕. 另外, stainless steel floor drains are also very easy to


潮州市潮安區彩塘鎮迅佳不銹鋼製品廠專業生產各種不銹鋼衛浴產品及配件, 比如地漏, 衛生紙架, 皂液器, 肥皂盒, 毛巾架, 毛巾桿, 洗臉盆過濾器, 和衣鉤, ETC.