迅佳不锈钢制品厂 is a manufacturer of bathroom products from China, located in Chao’an District, Chaozhou City, 广东省. 工厂欢迎世界各地客户前来参观、考察. 国外客户也可以请中国的朋友帮忙参观我们的工厂并检查产品质量. We are the factory that has been in operation for over a decade, 我们与所有客户的业务往来都是长期合作伙伴关系. We will conduct quality checks on the products and will not sell low-quality products to customers. We are a factory that values integrity.
(deliver goods)
There are various ways for us to sell products to foreign customers. The simplest way is to have the customer designate a freight forwarder, and we use logistics to transport the products into the designated freight forwarder’s warehouse. Customers can also arrange for the receipt of goods through freight forwarders. 货运代理可以叫车到我厂装货. 如果客户订购的产品总量较大, 他们还可以预订集装箱并在我工厂门口装载. 货物装载方式有多种, 一旦您下订单, 我们将把货物运送到您指定的地点.
(deliver goods)
We adopt a self-produced and self sold model. 客户下订单, 它是在我们工厂生产的, 我们将产品出售给客户. 这种生产销售模式会减少客户与贸易公司之间的沟通, 并降低成本.
(deliver goods)
If there are 产品 您需要在网站上购买, 请联系我们.