How to transport goods when placing orders in the factory?
Xunjia Stainless Steel Products Factory is a manufacturer of bathroom products from China, located in Chao’an District, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province. 工廠歡迎世界各地客戶前來參觀、考察. 國外客戶也可以請中國的朋友幫忙參觀我們的工廠並檢查產品品質. 我們是 工廠 已經運作了十多年, 我們與所有客戶的業務往來都是長期合作關係. 我們會對產品進行品質檢查,不會向客戶出售劣質產品. 我們是重視誠信的工廠.
There are various ways for us to sell products to foreign customers. The simplest way is to have the customer designate a freight forwarder, and we use logistics to transport the products into the designated freight forwarder’s warehouse. Customers can also arrange for the receipt of goods through freight forwarders. The freight forwarder can call a car to my factory to load the goods. If the total quantity of products ordered by the customer is large, they can also book a container and load it at the entrance of my factory. There are many ways to load the goods, and once you place an order, we will ship the goods to the location you specify.
We adopt a self-produced and self sold model. The customer places an order, it is produced in our factory, and we sell the product to the customer. This mode of production and sales will reduce communication between customers and trading companies, and lower costs.
If there are products you need to purchase on the website, 請聯絡我們.